"Tesla Quietly Deletes Its Pre-2019 Blog Posts, Raising Questions About Its Digital History"

  • Date: 29 Aug 2024

"Tesla Quietly Deletes Its Pre-2019 Blog Posts, Raising Questions About Its Digital History"

It appears Tesla has been quietly altering its digital footprint. Observant individuals, including journalists from Electrek, discovered that Tesla has removed all its blog posts from before 2019. These posts were a significant part of the company’s history, detailing everything from Elon Musk’s original master plan to the first fatal accident involving Autopilot in a Model S, and various claims about the performance of its electric vehicles. Neither Tesla nor Musk have offered any explanation for this removal.

Luckily, archive.org still retains a backup of these posts.

This isn't Tesla's first attempt at reshaping its historical record. A few years back, the company deleted a blog post that advocated for the use of radar as a critical sensor for vehicle safety. In 2021, Tesla ceased using radar in its electric vehicles.